We are continuously working to improve our organization in order to be a responsible company for the benefit of our employees, customers and business partners. This philosophy also ensures that we consider the social, environmental and economic impact of our business activities in all decision-making processes. We are committed to providing the highest quality products that are designed and manufactured in a way that reflects our commitment to being an environmentally and socially responsible company.
We meet the strict requirements of the relevant chemicals legislation to protect employees, consumers and the environment. ALL our products are REACH compliant. We prevent and minimize waste by conducting annual energy conservation assessments that monitor water, natural gas and electricity consumption, as well as VOCS and greenhouse gas emissions.
We are committed to the responsible sourcing of fibers/paper and the sustainable management of the forests from which these materials originate. As a result of this commitment, our products received FSC® certification FSC C154304 in 2020 and PEFC certification in 2021.
In addition to our products, we also pursue a sustainable packaging concept in order to use as little packaging as possible and as much packaging as necessary. Together with our service providers, we develop solutions to make waste productive again through recycling, thereby protecting the environment and conserving valuable resources. The annual “resources SAVED by recycling” study by the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT demonstrates the benefits for the climate and the environment. Every year, it shows to the exact kilogram how the consistent recycling of raw materials contributes to climate and resource protection.
Fair, dignified and respectful treatment of all customers, suppliers and employees is important to us. Ethics and sustainability in the supply chain are important topics in our daily activities. We are committed to zero tolerance of human trafficking, bonded or forced labor of any kind and hold our global supply chain to the same standards. We comply with local laws and regulations and demand the highest standards from our supply chain partners.
For this reason, we are also a registered member of SEDEX. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards of conduct for our employees, managers, directors and business partners.
All our employees are obliged to sign and comply with this Code of Conduct and Ethics. Community, fairness and social responsibility are part of our corporate culture and determine our daily actions. The health of our employees is important to us – and not just during the coronavirus pandemic. We also rely on extensive training programs to prepare our employees for their daily work in the best possible way.